Presentation of the Finnish PBL-centred national curriculum developed in 2016


  • Gábor Bomba



This paper presents the problem-based learning (PBL) method, highlighting its importance and effectiveness in developing students' competences. PBL is a method of learning in which students solve real-life problems in groups, thereby developing their language and social skills (Ali, 2019). The paper discusses in detail the key elements of PBL and their effects, including how it differs from traditional teaching. The analysis highlights how PBL is embedded in the Finnish education system, particularly in the new national core curriculum introduced in 2016. The core curriculum aims to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and competences, preparing them for the challenges of our ever-changing world (Lähdemäki, 2019). In addition, the core curriculum emphasises the importance of the individual learning path and values that are key in a 21st century society. The article also discusses in detail the role of digitalisation in education, with a particular focus on how it plays a role in the Finnish education system. The widespread use of digital tools and online platforms enables learners to acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills (Barber and King, 2016). In conclusion, the author stresses that in the Finnish education system, students and teachers are equal partners and that schools create an atmosphere that encourages learning and cooperation. The introduction of the new national core curriculum in 2016 has made it possible to initiate change, transforming the role of the teacher into a facilitating, mediating role, in line with the principles of PBL.

Author Biography

Gábor Bomba

A Magyar Testnevelési Egyetem és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem közös képzésén szerzett okleveles sportmenedzser diplomát. Jelenleg az ELTE PPK Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskolájában harmadéves PhD hallgató. Kutatási témája a középiskolai testnevelésben alkalmazható digitális eszközök és tartalmak. Kutatási munkája és tanulmányai mellett civilben értékesítési- és ügyfélkapcsolati menedzserként, valamint labdarúgó edzőként tevékenykedik.




