Factors influencing the progression to vocational training of students with SNI status


  • Györgyi Tajtiné Lesó




The study takes a contextualized approach to the higher education opportunities for students with special educational needs and students with challenges in integration, learning, and behavior as well as the methods and the tools of the vocational support process. The systemic approach to vocational guidance illustrates why such guidance is not a campaigning task, and - due to its specific nature - it may not be managed in isolation, as it requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders on multiple-level. The variety of methodologies in career guidance and the experiential results of research lead to the formulation of the competencies that support career planning with several alternatives. By combining the elements of career guidance with an overview of the risk factors for premature dropout, the identification of intervention points where adaptive pedagogical tools and the methodology of career guidance can be used to reduce the risk of dropout and the risk of unsuitable vocational or higher education selection becomes feasible.

Author Biography

Györgyi Tajtiné Lesó

Tajtiné Lesó Györgyi szociálpedagógus, szociológus, az inkluzív nevelés tanára és szakvizsgázott
pályatanácsadó. Az Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Karrier- és Pályatervezési Iroda vezetője, az
EKKE-GTK Szociálpedagógia tanszék oktatója, az EKKE Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola
doktorjelöltje, a Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság Pályaorientációs Szakosztályának tagja.




