Dr. György Molnár is an associate professor, head of department, director general, electrical engineer, teacher of engineering, medical biologist engineer, pedagogue with special qualification examination in the field of public education manager, who works at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Technical Education, and Budapest University of Technology Teacher Training Centre. The graduation from BME as an electrical engineer in 2000 was followed by gaining a multidisciplinary university medical biologist engineer degree at BME. Followed by this, having entered the world of work as an engineer, he started new studies in the field of pedagogy as a teacher of engineering from 2001. From this time on, his academic studies and teaching activities have been carried out at the Department of Technical Education, successor of the ever-prestigious Institute of Pedagogy. He also applied for his doctoral PhD programme at this department, and finished that at the Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Education. He has been teaching at the Department of Technical Education since 2001. His fields of research include the basic aspects of ICT, the methodological and innovative issues of vocational teaching which have enabled him to research new, atypical and electronic teaching-learning paths.
Opus et Educatio
online szakmai folyóirat
Főszerkesztő: Benedek András
Szerkesztőbizottság tagjai:
Kiadó: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
A kiadó székhelye: 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.
Kiadásért felelős személy: Prof. Dr. Czigány Tibor
Szerkesztésért felelős: Prof. Dr. Benedek András
A szerkesztőség címe:
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
Telefonszáma: (+36)1 463 2655
E-mail cím: opus@eik.bme.hu
A Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság által nyilvántartott folyóirat.
ISSN 2064-9908
Nyilatkozat a bírálati folyamatról
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Formai követelmények az OpEE cikk írásához, 20230713.
Tutorial about submission (HU).