„Lehettem volna” – A pedagógusok eltérítő hatása a pályaválasztásban


  • Áron Pálvölgyi




In the article I examine whether teachers have a diverting effect on pupils’ career choice. As a result of my own qualitative research, I present examples where teachers had an identifiable role in changing the direction of pupils' further education or career choices, i.e. they already had an intention what to choose but deviated under the influence of a teacher. The aim of my article is to demonstrate through practical examples that a teacher can have a significant impact on career choices and can divert pupils from their original intentions. My interviewees, in their view and perception, attribute teachers diverting influence on their career choices. My aim is to raise the awareness of teachers. Since in some cases teachers are not even aware that their particular sentences have been a milestone in the life of their pupils, showing examples can raise awareness.

Author Biography

Áron Pálvölgyi

Pálvölgyi Áron (szül. 1977) közgazdász, lobbi szakközgazdász.
A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen 2022-ben mesterfokozatot és okleveles közgazdásztanár szakképzettséget szerzett, kitüntetéses minősítéssel.




