Methodological and curriculum development-related innovation options and challenges in education in the aftermath of the pandemic


  • György Molnár



In the context of digital education, internet-based digital platforms, applications and infocommunication tools and systems have advanced significantly in the educational process, moving beyond the technical solutions of teaching and learning to a technology-based approach to learning, becoming part of the methodological and technological culture (Benedek, 2016). As a result of the ever-changing economic, social and technological environment, the necessary new phenomena and innovation directions of the paradigm shift in pedagogy are clearly emerging (Lükö, 2007). The area of digital competences, which are necessary for the way of life predestined by today's information society, is of particular importance among the competences of teachers (Molnár, 2018) (Kővári, 2020). In this challenging digital world, the latest ICT-based interactive technologies, e-learning environments, digital, micro-content-based interactive curricular content (, 2019), flipped learning methods (Buda, 2017) and experiential pedagogy methodologies (Fromann, 2017) are of great help. In our study, we present some of the theoretical models (TPACK, SAMR), development trends, ICT-based teaching methods and technologies highlighted by pedagogical theorists, which have been particularly effective in digital work-based learning. Our aim was to investigate the impact of digital tools and content on learning. In addition to decades of teaching experience, our findings are supported by a quantitative large sample survey (N=141) of students conducted in spring 2021. The results obtained confirmed the prominent role of digital tools and open digital curricular content in making the learning process more effective, especially in the period of digital work-based education, in a time of pandemic.

Információk a szerzőről

György Molnár

Dr. György Molnár is an associate professor, head of department, director general, electrical engineer, teacher of engineering, medical biologist engineer, pedagogue with special qualification examination in the field of public education manager, who works at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Technical Education, and Budapest University of Technology Teacher Training Centre. The graduation from BME as an electrical engineer in 2000 was followed by gaining a multidisciplinary university medical biologist engineer degree at BME. Followed by this, having entered the world of work as an engineer, he started new studies in the field of pedagogy as a teacher of engineering from 2001. From this time on, his academic studies and teaching activities have been carried out at the Department of Technical Education, successor of the ever-prestigious Institute of Pedagogy. He also applied for his doctoral PhD programme at this department, and finished that at the Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Education. He has been teaching at the Department of Technical Education since 2001. His fields of research include the basic aspects of ICT, the methodological and innovative issues of vocational teaching which have enabled him to research new, atypical and electronic teaching-learning paths.




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