You Belong! – A model to manage various forms of inequality in a holistic, system-level approach to education


  • Kriszta Bódis



In today’s world, where people are divided from a very young age between “gifted” and “special needs” (this is especially true about children from an underprivileged or minority background), it seems obvious that the educational system needs to reflect to the diversity of its participants on both ends of this spectrum, without any kind of segregation.By presenting the Van Helyed System, this study outlines an innovative approach, which may serve as an example to create an education system in which the children can have access to quality knowledge regardless of their social status. The efficiency of this approach is proved by empirically collected data compared to the regional and national average.This holistically built bottom-up system includes a unique system of services tailored to each individual child, with the inclusion of their respective families and community.

Author Biography

Kriszta Bódis

Pszichológus, író, dokumentumfilmes, az ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar oktatója, az Ember-Környezet Tranzakció Intézet munkatársa, a Van Helyed Alapítvány létrehozója, elnöke, valamint a Van Helyed oktatási rendszerének (VHR) kiépítője és vezetője.




