Innovative processes in the life of different types of institutions, with particular emphasis to the place occupied by dance within and outside of the dance classes and activities


  • Mariann Simon



After the introduction of my study about dance theory, I research how in Tata, in the different types of institutions, onecan utilize the opportunities provided by dance, its socialization, community-building, and personality-developing functions during classes, extra-curricular activities, and the organization of leisure activities, events, and programs. I will examine what leadership attitudes can be inferred from the documents of the institutions and the conversations with the interviewees, and to what extent the attitudes of the leaders influence the institutions' relationship to dance. I do all this while using the method of participant observation. It warrants further research to find out whether the art of dance is so recognized only in this small town, or if the situation is similar in larger cities as well. In other regions of Transdanubia, as well as in the eastern parts of the country, as well as in smaller settlements, it would be worth carrying out an investigation in relation to dance. It would also be interesting to analyze the life and documents of other secondary institutions, such as technical schools, vocational training schools and vocational schools, in the field of dance traditions. Using my thesis and comparing it with the dance-related investigations of other institutions, some interesting result can be drawn. I have chosen an important topic for processing from the point of view of nurturing Hungarian culture, community building and the development of social skills, which can strengthen the institutions' commitment to dance art when defining future goals. Let the well-being, mood, physical and mental health of the children and the teaching staff be important to the institution, on which dance has the greatest effect! Dance events and shows are indispensable from an artistic point of view in a public education institution. I wish that there are dance teachers teaching everywhere whose main objective is to convey the joy of dance. We always advocate euphoric, self-expressive dancing, the performance should only be secondary!

Author Biography

Mariann Simon

Simon Mariann 1998-ban szerezte pedagógusi diplomáját tanító-hitoktató szakon, majd 2005-ben a Tánc- és drámapedagógia továbbképzési szakot végezte el. 2021-ben kitüntetéses oklevelet kapott a BME Közoktatási Vezető és Pedagógus-szakvizsga Szakirányú Továbbképzési Szakon, 2021-től az AVKF Neveléstudomány MA szakos hallgatója. 1998 óta tánctanárként, majd 2012-től tanítóként dolgozik a tatai Kőkúti Általános Iskolában, ahol több közösségi, hagyományőrző program megalapítója (2006), mint például a GERGELY-JÁRÁS bemutatása a tatai Fürdő Utcai Hagyományőrző Óvodában és a PÜNKÖSDI KIRÁLYVÁLASZTÁS a Kőkúti Általános Iskola Fazekas Utcai Tagintézményében. A Kőkúti Általános Iskola Öko programjában működik közre 2015 óta, valamint a Komplex Alapprogram Művészetalapú Alprogramjának tanítója 2019 óta.




