
Our first English-language issue of 2024 will seem ordinary to the reader. For us, in the opinion of the editorial staff, it also reflects the journey that we started together ten years ago, at the end of 2014. Opus et Educatio was typically born by the principle of open access in the spirit of the new aspirations of Open Science in the 21st century. This number is our 41st in a row, which number also shows that after the minor and significant storms of the past years - overcoming the difficulties of building the IT infrastructure, surviving a severe hacker attack in 2017, and then the dramatic effects of COVID-19 in the online world, a significant overcoming a challenge - Opus was able to stay on its feet and develop continuously. Thanks for this to Anildo Vedovatti and János Horváth Cz., who have been enthusiastically involved in the work of the editorial office since its inception and who, as administrators of the Open Journal System (OJS), made every effort to publish the paper. The real success is that not only has the number of our readers increased in the last decade, but also a background of authors has been formed, who, from time to time, come to our paper to publish their publications and new research results. All of this means not only the stabilization of the number of submitted manuscripts but also the fact that, in recent years, an expanding number of proofreaders has developed, which is of strategic importance in terms of the quality of the newspaper.

From the beginning, the letter Opus assumed that it was a multidisciplinary magazine that deals with an increasingly complex topic in our modern world: work and education. Since, in addition to theory, a relatively modest number of internationally noted publication forums are available to researchers on topics directly related to practice, we considered it our mission to help researchers take their first publication steps. Thus, in addition to the publications in Hungarian, we undertook to provide one or two issues a year in English from the beginning. It was intended to encourage communication and expand the possibility of joining international scientific communication. In addition to the Studies section, we undertook from the beginning to create the possibility of publishing for beginning researchers and doctoral students. Our awareness section has always been open to supporting the publication intentions of young researchers, which, of course, means a severe learning process for the authors and our editors. The past period has been successful; this issue's theme, genre proportions, and structure reflect our efforts so far. The authors of the papers appearing in the Studies section have already appeared in the columns of our newspaper in recent years, and we are pleased that their new results have also been published within the framework of Opus. It is also symbolic that half a dozen papers appear in the recognition section, where the joint publications of doctoral students and their supervisors, who already have significant scientific references, can be read. Authors from eight countries are represented in this issue, indicating that we are also making serious efforts in internationalization. The freshness of the thematics and the diversity of the topics, from theoretical research to concrete practical developments, presumably shows that applying the open access principle in its new technological framework makes it possible and necessary to meet modern scientific publication requirements these days. In the spirit of these thoughts, wishing dear readers, our current and future authors, a pleasant reading, and the rest of the summer months are filled with new thoughts!

Budapest, June (2024)

András Benedek
