

Our fourth English-language issue, which will be published in 2022, was compiled in the spirit of the effort to convey the research themes emerging in the world of training and work with the writings of primarily young researchers at the beginning of their research careers. Of course, the writings of more mature researchers dealing with the young generation in scientific continuing education and doctoral schools are also present. As the first article in the Studies section, Zoltán Szűts' study entitled "Learning in an attention-based economy and society" is an example of this, in which the author deals with the theoretical issues of digital pedagogy draws attention to new phenomena. An example of mentoring the work of beginners is the article by Csaba Bráda and Monika Pogátsik related to the training profile of our paper, which under the title "Educating mechanical engineers in the 21st century" also conveys the future orientation of researchers.

Andrea Lukács's article, "Knowledge Management as a powerful tool to increase competitiveness," confirms the broadening of the research spectrum. Furthermore, the title "Exploring interrelations of knowledge management and adult learning in the context of the learning organization" illustrates the multidisciplinary approach that expresses the essence of the professional mission of Opus at Educatio. Also, the young researcher, who already published in our columns, is one of the trio – Mariann Fekete-Péter Tóth-Adam Nagy – who deal with the topic of environmental pedagogy, which can also be treated as a pedagogical challenge that concerns many today, "Who will save the world? – from the missing hero to the index of Captain Planet" can even be considered a keynote in their article.

Most of the writings in the Consciousness section come from young people whose first publications are also related to the first steps of being a researcher and present their first writings as young researchers. Scholarship recipients from the Hungarian doctoral school in education represent the first group, Moet Moet Myint Lay writes about the quality issues of teacher training. As the representative of the second group, Krisztina Stummer undertook an institutional-historical overview of vocational training opportunities for women. At the same time, Attila Mészáros analyzed the issue of the possibility of developing emotional intelligence from the point of view of education.

Among the international projects, Andrea Óhidy undertook another presentation, presenting the activities of the Monnet Chair Freiburg for European Education (JMC-FrEE).

This issue also ends with the usual book review. In addition, the Anikó Kálmán undertook to present his recently published study volume entitled "The methodology of educational informatics in higher education" published by Károli Gáspár Reformed University ICT Research and Continuing Education Center (2020).

Dear readers, I would like to present to all attention the fourth issue of the 2022 edition of Opus et Educatio, the 35th issue of our magazine, which has been published regularly for eight years. I wish our authors and readers a professionally successful 2023!

December 2022

András Benedek, editor-in-chief