Digital learning on the basis of 21st century higher education*
The rapid development of ICT is
constantly calling for society and economics, as well as our way of
life. This tendency is being intensified these days by the
transformation of the basic lifestyles, tasks and roles besides the
changes of the education system and its components. The major shifts in
technical and technological advancements have resulted in the
development of the learning environment and the spread of digital
learning therefore required the adjustment of learning forms and
fundamental principles (Benedek, 2013). Its signs are primarily visible
in the changes of the classical teaching-learning methods, the
redefining of the learning environment and the shifts of different
roles (Szűts, 2009; Kálmán, 2016). The effects of these can be sensed
in every educational area, from elementary schools through vocational
training to higher education (Molnár, 2014).
LMS systems – Moodle
In Hungary the most popular LMS systems are: Drupal –,
Joomla –, Moodle –, Wordpress –, ILIAS, and Olat –
They all share common characteristics:
- open source
- use various programing languages (php/.NET asp)
- simple or complex modular framework that can be completed with functional modules and plugins.
The most common system used worldwide is Moodle, so Budapest University of Technology and Education uses it also.
The Moodle system introduced in 2006
at the Department of Technical Education, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics can be considered a formal social media
network which, according to the statistical data, has achieved
significant results in both learning management and content management.
The system facilitates communication between teachers and students, the
measurement of their activity, and the use of social forums, evaluation
and provision of feedback in an electronic environment, in addition to
allowing course materials to be downloaded (Benedek-Molnár, 2015). The
behavior of the nearly 3,500 students using the system in an electronic
learning supporting system can be monitored by means of different
statistical measuring facilities such as the built-in statistical
measurement system of the Moodle. This allows the diagnosis of the
students’ activity (both overall and broken down).
The report module of the system
provides information about the users’ activity. Figure 1 shows the
activity pattern over three years, with the students’ activity shown in
red. It is evident that the maximum amplitudes which occurred were
related to test dates or assignment deadlines.
Figure 1. The activity in the Moodle system of the Department of Technical Education.
Source: own figure
The other measurement tool employed
is the Google analytics system, which when linked to the Moodle system
also provided useful and informative statistical data as shown in
Figures 2. and 3. concerning an elective courses.
Figure 2. The activity of the participants of the Moodle courses.
Source: own figure
Cloud-based solutions
Cloud-services appeared in the 2010s
in the field of IT, and the number of cloud-service providers has
increased dramatically ever since. Today, the mobile ICT devices enable
the everyday use of them owning to their benefits which include
reliable and budget-priced execution and operation, 80-90% of capacity
utilization, small investment demand and limitless computer resources.
Generally speaking, these cloud-based systems intend to maintain
cross-connections between different services, which is one of the
essential notions of the system. It means that the created content is
accessible from another service-provider thus the users are let off
from reloading data and information to the new system.
The cloud-based information storing is provided by various
hosting servers all of which are tightly connected to different
operational system platforms. To name a few, the unarguably most
frequently used hosting provider is tight-knitted with the Android
system-based Drive-type systems, whereas the iOS systems use the
Dropbox hosting services, and the skyrocketing Windows phone op-systems
prefer OneDrive. Based on some preliminary forecasts, the growth rate
of the cloud-based services will be several times (four or five times)
more than as of the general ICT growth in the period between 2013 and
2017 thus the possible methodological use of these services is to be
evaluated in the feasibility study of the research (Holik-Sanda, 2016).
What is more, the cloud-based services enable multiple users to co-work
on a common project in the form of crowdsourcing. In order to study its
practice, crowdsourcing projects could be initiated among state school
teachers in which the participants were asked to channel their own
know-how and knowledge into an interdisciplinary task. We could gather
valuable information concerning the working process and were able to
study efficiency and what cloud-based applications could help in
task-accomplishment. Some distributed motors such as Pentaho or Hadoop
will be used for analyzing shared content.
Trello is a cloud and group work based service which is capable of
attaching files hosted in Google Drive to various tasks without having
to re-upload them. The following screenshot demonstrates the opening
page of Trello and its boards with some visible markers.
Figure 3.: The opening page of Trello and some personal boards.
Source: own screenshot
Scratch ( is a project-based application
(Kővári, 2016) and Learningapps ( is a community-based
service, both of which could be used for co-working purposes.
Figure 4: The editorial page of Scratch.
Source: own screenshot.
MOOC systems
The theory of education has dealt
with online teaching for some time while focusing on distance learning.
It is noteworthy, however, that in 2012-2013 major universities in USA
started a complex innovation project: MOOC. Massive Open Online Courses
thence have become an important strategical development course at
European University Association (EUA) as well. This innovation is a
great example how the traditional boundaries are outspread by a new
learning form which „environmental” understanding is more progressive
than ever.
From a professional point of view it is particularly interesting that
universities known for conservative teaching and learning methods have
developed MOOC. These online courses have free (non-formal) access, no
limits for participation, and non-formal ways of entry. They also share
the disadvantage of not providing students with credits. On the basis
of the properties listed above the experiment could be interpreted as a
support for non-formal learning, an attempt within the framework of the
traditional dissemination of information. Yet the importance and the
professional value of the initiative is greatly increased by the fact
that the best US universities offer the free open courses.
Figure 5.: Development of MOOC courses between 2008-2012,
Source: Phil Hill, e-literate, 24/07/2012: Four Barriers That MOOCs
Must Overcome To Build a Sustainable Model,
(downloaded: 2013. 03. 10.)
The most popular portals offering
online courses (one of them being the EDX) have millions of registered
students. The online courses are designed so that everyone has access
to free and high quality education, which is mainly supported by
implemented educational video materials. edX has several open sources
based systems, own technology and source code. The percentage of
students coming from different countries is: 27% USA, 11% India, 4%
China, Brazil and United Kingdom, 3% Canada and Mexico, 49% other
A Hungarian innovative project was started in 2016 called K-MOOC
(Carpathian Basin Online Education Center), where several MOOC courses
were offered in Hungarian. One of the courses can be seen on the
Figure 6.: K-MOOC
MOOC courses
Virtual reality
Virtual worlds, surfaces, classrooms
and courses can be found in a 3D game called Second Life. This program
is popular worldwide. Originally, the developers wanted to build the
game’s virtual world, but different virtual campuses have been released
since. In these, there are virtual classrooms, courses, faculties,
students, all that is needed in reality in order for educational
process to take place. The use of a virtual learning environment for
teaching has got stronger and stronger domestic practice in Hungary
too. Many examples of courses or conferences can be found, where the
real person's avatar gets the main role, bridging the geographical
limits of the real space. The following illustration shows the inner
space of a campus, where students can chat or present on screen.
Figure 7.: Illustration: ELTE GRID virtual classroom, course: own screenshot
Latest developments center on
virtualizing the social networking site Facebook. The name of the
project is Oculus (Szűts, 2011). For this, only a console, haptic
gloves that imitate touch and a visor is needed. In the field of
education the idea of virtual has also appeared, and registration is
now available on Google Classroom and Craft Class interface also
developed by Google. The following screenshot presents the virtual
surface of Google classroom.
Figure 8.: Illustration: Google virtual classroom, source, own screenshot
Modern, ICT based solutions can help
young generations both in teaching and learning. If appropriate
solutions are developed, even those with special needs can benefit.
Prosperous use of social media in education in obvious, and it helps
the expansion of informal learning dimension. The greatest educational
challenge is motivation, awareness-raising and sustaining. This can
help the teachers of the modern e-learning support solutions
(Benedek-Horváth, 2016). For this some practical examples were
suggested by the author. The efficiency of the appropriate
methodological design culture lies in the possibility of learning from
each other. An aspect that must be accepted in today's educational
system. This methodology enables us to thrive in today's changing
digital world.
*This study was funded by the Content Pedagogy Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
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